04 August 2009

Switching to Ning

Hi, All! I know some of you follow this blog regularly, so I wanted to let you know that, starting on the first day of school, I'll be closing this blog. All course blogs will, from that point on, can be found at: Science at Saltsburg on Ning

Blogger is nice, but Ning comes with a chat room and the opportunity to make your own page to coincide with the course page. I think you're going to love it and I can't wait to see it in action.

Let me know if you have any questions!

07 July 2009


Know what geocaching is?  Want to learn?  Check out Geocaching.  Sign up and learn.  I'll post the caches I find and, if you find them too, I'll come up with some extra points for you! 

Here I am in the woods near Cal U.  The site is called the Gateway to Fayetteville.  Can you find it?

06 January 2009

Messages from Students Who've Moved On. . .

OK, so some people want to keep in touch with us after they've left Saltsburg. Look here for messages from your friends who have moved on!

14 October 2008

Science News!

This is a good place to share new and interesting things that you've learned. It must be related to science! Feel free to include pictures or links. Make sure it's appropriate. . .

Other Questions!

If at any time you have questions about what's going on in class. Let me know here!